Mónica Humeres
PhD in Sociology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
PhD in sociology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Assistant professor at the School of Advertising, and researcher at CICLOS, both at Faculty of Communication and Humanities, Universidad Diego Portales.
Her interests address 1) History of technology; 2) Communication and gender; 3) Citizenship and public policy. Curator of the exhibition “Permiso de Circulación”.
FONDECYT Iniciación N°11241425 (2022-2023) “TICS, movilidad y género: de las plataformas digitales solo-mujeres a los sistemas de información del transporte público en las regiones Metropolitana y de Valparaíso”(2024-2026)
López, C., Davidoff, A., Luco, F., Humeres, M., & Correa, T. (2024). Users’ Experiences of Algorithm-Mediated Public Services: Folk Theories, Trust, and Strategies in the Global South. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-18.
Humeres, Mónica y Gil-Ureta, Magdalena (2024) Dreaming of a Bright Future: Statistics, Disaster, and the Birth of Energopolitics in 1930s Chile. Technology and Culture, 65(2), 571-602.
Humeres, Mónica (2024) Living with Algorithms: Agency and User Culture in Costa Rica. Book Review. Technology and Culture, 65(2), 683-684.
Humeres, Mónica, Jordana, Claudia y Saavedra, Jorge (2023) “A Significant Impact on our Democracy”: Chilean Media Audiences’ Claims for Dignity. International Journal of Communication. [S.l.], v. 18, p. 20, dec. 2023. ISSN 1932-8036. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/21116
Humeres, Mónica (2022) “Meters can be wonderful”: The relevance of democracy and technical aspects for user acceptance of smart meter policy in Chile.’ Energy Research & Social Science. Vol. 90, August 2022, 102613 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2022.102613
Humeres, Mónica (2021) “Colgados: el hurto de energía eléctrica como resistencia a la noción de usuario racional-económico en Chile (1980-1986)” Arbor. Ciencia pensamiento y cultura. Vol. 197-801, julio-septiembre 2021, a617. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2021.801007