Martin Tironi Rodó
Martin Tironi Rodó

Martin Tironi Rodó

Director /
  • Doctor en Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation (CSI)
  • Master en Paris Descartes
  • Fellowship en el Centre for Invention and Social Process de Goldsmiths, University of London


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s sociologist. His academic interests are related to walkability and sustainable mobility, digital technologies, Smart cities, design anthropology, and maintenance and reparation practices.

He is currently director of the UC School of Design and associate researcher at the Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS). He has been responsible for projects on digital datification processes and is currently involved in the project “Algorithmic Identities: Issues and reactions to digital data collection and algorithmic inferences in everyday life”, in collaboration with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methods at the University of Warwick.



  • Tironi, M., Chilet, M., & Albornoz, C. (2022). Problematizing Human-Centred Design: Notes on Planet-Oriented Design. diid—disegno industriale industrial design, (77), 12-12.
  • Tironi, M., & Valderrama, M. (2021). Experimenting with the Social Life of Homes: Sensor Governmentality and Its Frictions. Science as Culture, 1-24.
  • Tironi, M., Hermansen, P. (2020) “Prototipando la coexistencia: diseños para futuros interespecie”. ARQ, no. 106: 38-47.
  • Tironi, M., & Valderrama, M. (2020). Gobernando mediante sensores. Sensorización y regulación digital de la vida ambiental de hogares en Chile. Revista 180, (46).
  • Tironi, M. (2020). Prototyping public friction: Exploring the political effects of design testing in urban space. The British Journal of Sociology, 71(3), 503-519.
  • Tironi, M., & Albornoz, C (2020). The circulation of the Smart City imaginary in the Chilean context: A case study of a collaborative platform for governing security. In Smart Cities for Technological and Social Innovation (pp. 195-215). Academic Press.
  • Tironi, M; Valderrama, M. (2019). The militarization of the urban sky in Santiago de Chile: the vision multiple of a video-surveillance system of aerostatic balloons. Urban Geography, 1-20.
  • Tironi, M. (2019). Experimentando con lo urbano: Políticas, discursos y prácticas de la ciudad inteligente y la datificación. Athenea digital: revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 19(2), 0018.
  • Tironi, M. (2018). Speculative prototyping, frictions and counter-participation: A civic intervention with homeless individuals. Design Studies, 59, 117-138
  • Tironi, M., & Valderrama, M. (2018). Unpacking a citizen self-tracking device: Smartness and idiocy in the accumulation of cycling mobility data. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 36(2), 294-312.
  • Tironi, M., & Hermansen, P. (2018). Prototyping multispecies environments: Attentiveness and friction as modes of knowing. In Design Research Society Conference (Vol. 2018).
  • Tironi, M., & Hermansen, P. (2018). Cosmopolitical encounters: Prototyping at the National Zoo in Santiago, Chile. Journal of Cultural Economy, 11(4), 330-347.