Marcos Chilet
Marcos Chilet

Marcos Chilet

Associated Researcher /
  • Designer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Visual Arts degree, Universidad de Chile.
  • Master of Arts in Interactive Media & Critical Media, University of London, Goldsmiths College.


Designer from Universidad Católica de Chile and Master of Arts in Interactive Media & Critical Media at University of London, Goldsmiths College.

His teaching activity focuses on the problem that arises between society and the new technological transformations. Among his recent publications is the book ‘Materiales Televisivos: Hacia una economía digital de los contenidos’ (Editorial LOM) and a recent chapter in the book ´Election Posters Around the World’ under the Swiss publisher Springer. His research cares about the relationship between media, technology, and power.

His current area of interest is the study of decolonial discourses as a way of re-understanding the relationship between Design and Technology in Latin America.