Claudia López Moncada
Claudia López Moncada

Claudia López Moncada

Main Researcher /
  • PhD in Information and Technology Science at University of Pittsburgh
  • Master’s degree in Informatic Engineering Science, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María


Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, she also co-directs the User Experience (UX) lab at the same institution, and is an Associate Researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA).

Her research and teaching activities are focused on human-centered computing, such as social computing, user-centered design, participatory technologies, and socio-technical approach to information systems. This research results in projects that focus on social computing and human-centered AI.

Some other interests are human-computer interaction, social computing, feminism, and women in technology.



  • Li, A., Farzan, R., & López, C. (2022). Let’s Work Together! Wikipedia Language Communities’ Attempts to Represent Events Worldwide. Interacting with Computers.
  • González-Pizarro, F., Figueroa, A., López, C., Aragon, C. Regional differences in information privacy concerns after the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal. Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) 21(1), 33-77.
  • Vargas, H. Buil-Aranda, C., Hogan, A., López, C. A user interface for exploring and querying knowledge graphs. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2020.
  • Serendipity for equitable recommendations in digital markets: an application for associativity among female micro-entrepreneurs during a pandemic. ANID, COVID (2020-2021). Rol: Investigadora Principal
  • Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (CENIA), Basal, ANID (2021-2031). Rol: Investigadora asociada.