AI emerges as one of the greatest promises of prosperity for the future society. However, the advance of these technologies opens important issues: new digital gaps and the transparency of its operations, exacerbation of biases and social exclusion, environmental impacts, production of new algorithmic subjectivities, and the increase of fake news, among others.
In the FAIR Nucleus, instead of adopting a celebratory or fatalistic view of future AI scenarios, we seek to understand and anticipate the transformations and impacts of these technologies, recognizing their potential benefits and identifying their ethical limits. We focus on addressing the social, cultural and environmental challenges of AI in Chile and Latin America, considering not only the technological progress it enables, but also its contexts of use and the instabilities it generates on life on the planet.
To promote the design of ethical futures we will produce conceptual frameworks that contribute to the development of public policies consistent with the rights and freedoms of the living, recognizing the interdependence of AI with communities and territories.
We will create open spaces for collaboration, learning and experimentation in cutting-edge areas that foster research in dialogue with the humanities, arts, social sciences and computer science. We will promote the production of alternative, critical and situated practices of young researchers. In Núcleo FAIR we aspire to form a network of exchange between local and international communities from a Latin American perspective, experimental and in connection with the territory.
Martin Tironi Rodó
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s sociologist. His academic interests are related to walkability and sustainable mobility, digital technologies, Smart cities, design anthropology, and maintenance and reparation practices. He is currently director of the UC School of Design and associate researcher at the...
Wolfgang Bongers Heinzmann
Associate Professor at Universidad Católica’s Faculty of Linguistics and Literature and expert in humanities, literature, and cinema. His work covers the interdisciplinary studies that aim to analyze and make visible literary and artistic operations, their aesthetic-political figures, their imaginaries, and critical...
Claudia López Moncada
Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, she also co-directs the User Experience (UX) lab at the same institution, and is an Associate Researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA). Her research and teaching activities are focuse...
Teresa Correa
Professor at the Faculty of Communication and Humanities of the Universidad Diego Portales, she currently serves as director of the Centro de Investigación en Comunicación, Literatura y Observación at the same university (CICLOS-UDP). Her research focuses on access and use of new technologies and digital inequali...
Marcos Chilet
Designer from Universidad Católica de Chile and Master of Arts in Interactive Media & Critical Media at University of London, Goldsmiths College. His teaching activity focuses on the problem that arises between society and the new technological transformations. Among his recent publications is the book 'Materia...
Manuela Garretón
Assistant Professor at Universidad Católica’s School of Design and associated researcher at Urban Complexity Lab, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Her research address hydric crisis data visualization, public policy, urbanism, neuroscience, subjective well-being. She has explored different forms of representa...
Mónica Humeres
PhD in sociology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Assistant professor at the School of Advertising, and researcher at CICLOS, both at Faculty of Communication and Humanities, Universidad Diego Portales. Her interests address 1) History of technology; 2) Communication and gender; 3) Citizenship and public policy. Curato...
Celia Lury
Founder, academic and researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick. Her work comes from her interest in the ways in which 'live methods' enact social worlds. She works in interdisciplinary methodologies, feminist and cultural theory, sociology of culture, consumer culture, a...
Ulises Mejías
Ulises A. Mejias is Professor of Communication Studies and director of the Institute for Global Engagement at the State University of New York, Oswego. His research interests include critical Internet studies, Internet theory and science, network theory and science, philosophy of technology, sociology of communication,...
Jhoerson Yagmour
PhD in Literature at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His work focuses on the study of the problem of time in art, especially in Latin American digital literature. He is interested in the relationship between art and chronopolitics in contemporary digital culture....
Serena Dambrosio
Architech, BArch., and MArch from Politecnico di Milano. PhD in Architecture and Urban Studies from FADEU UC. She is interested in the relationship between abstraction and neutralization rethorics on discourses about socio-technical progress and its material and environmental implications, mainly through destructive an...