Wolfgang Bongers Heinzmann
Wolfgang Bongers Heinzmann

Wolfgang Bongers Heinzmann

Alternate Director / wbongers@uc.cl
  • PhD in Humanities, mention in Intermediality, University of Siegen
  • Magister Artium in Romance Philology at Heinrich Heine Düsseldorf University


Associate Professor at Universidad Católica’s Faculty of Linguistics and Literature and expert in humanities, literature, and cinema. His work covers the interdisciplinary studies that aim to analyze and make visible literary and artistic operations, their aesthetic-political figures, their imaginaries, and critical reflections on creative processes and subjectivation in the context of a transforming world, defined by an increasingly pronounced economic and cybernetic logic.

Some of the disciplines that converge in his analysis are literary theory, media theory, image theory, philosophy of technique, posthuman aesthetics, and memory studies.



  • Literatura y cine en la era digital: experimentaciones, expansiones y resistencias latinoamericanas (2020-2023), Fondecyt regular 1200172. Investigador responsable.
  • Bongers, Wolfgang/Celis, Claudio (Coords), Dossier Imágenes, cuerpos, algoritmos, La Fuga. Revista de Cine, http://www.lafuga.cl/, primavera 2021.
  • Bongers, Wolfgang.“Los proyectos digitales de Eugenio Tisselli y la estética poshumana: Entre cultura_RAM, neguentropía y necrocapitalismo”, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Nº 56, 2022: 219-242. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/864793 (WOS)
  • Bongers, Wolfgang. “Párergon y diagrama: figuras de una estética de dispersión y fragmentación digital en la literatura y las artes contemporáneas”, en Gómez Trueba, Teresa y Ruben Venzon, Grietas: Estudios sobre fragmentarismo y narrativa contemporánea, Berlín: Peter Lang International, 97-109, 2022.